Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ensured that Indonesia would not import a series or trainset of the former electric train (KRL) from Japan.

This decision, said Luhut, was taken after he held a meeting with relevant stakeholders regarding the plan to import the former KRL from Japan.

"We have closed the KRL, we will not import it," he said at the Staisun KCJB Halim, Jakarta, Thursday, June 22.

When asked about how to anticipate a spike in the density of KRL passengers, Luhut said there was no problem. He said the decision to refuse imports was taken with careful calculations.

"For the needs, there are no problems, we have calculated everything we exercise, there are experts there and they explained yesterday that all obstacles could be resolved," he said.

In addition, Luhut explained that the cancellation of the planned import of the former KRL from Japan was carried out because it had the potential to violate three rules.

The rules in question are Presidential Regulation (Perpres), rules at the Ministry of Industry, and at the Ministry of Transportation.

"The used goods because they violated three rules, one Presidential Decree, the second industry and the third from the Ministry of Transportation. Therefore, yesterday's meeting we asked the previous 4 days to take steps so as not to be disturbed. And it turned out to be possible," he said.

Even so, Luhut said there are plans to import a new series of trains. The plan, there are three new trainsets or train sets that will be brought to Indonesia to cover the needs of these two critical years.

"But we will only import 3 new ones. To cover it, but it will take 1-2 years. So the criticality is that it will be in the next year until 2025," he explained.

For your information, the import of used KRL from Japan is the main choice of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) to identify 10 train series or trainsets that will retire this year and 19 trainsets in 2024.

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