The Development Of Electric Vehicles Is Expected To Bring RI To Become An Important World Player
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - In the DPR Plenary Meeting which is scheduled for the government's Response to the Faction's View of the Macroeconomic Framework and the Principles of Fiscal Policy (KEM PPKF) for the 2024 RAPBN, Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani gave her response regarding the policy of developing Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB).

Sri Mulyani explained that the government's support for KBLBB is Indonesia's effort to position itself strategically in geopolitical as well as a form of awareness of the increasingly widespread threat of climate change.

Therefore, the government uses fiscal instruments to accelerate economic transformation. This not only creates high added value, increases job opportunities, and to transform energy that is more environmentally friendly in order to reduce emissions, and to increase energy subsidy efficiency, but this strategy also places Indonesia on a strategic axis in geopolitical vortices in the world," he said in a press release Wednesday, May 31.

He revealed that support for the development of the KBLBB industrial ecosystem was not only carried out by Indonesia.

A number of developed countries such as the United States, Germany, Britain, and China as well as ASEAN countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia also massively formulate policies to strengthen their KBLBB industrial ecosystem.

"motor vehicle manufacturers in many countries are committed to diverting 100 percent production to electric cars in 2035-2040. So electric cars become a necessity trend," he said.

Related to this, the government through fiscal instruments will continue to maintain Indonesia's strategic interests in the competition arena for this industry.

"The government introduces a series of incentives not only in terms of supply, namely attracting investors to come to Indonesia but investors will also consider getting stronger if Indonesia's domestic domestic market demand also has a very important role," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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