JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) noted that the construction of houses included in the One Million Houses Program (PSR) had reached 298,203 units, until the first quarter of 2023.

Director of Public Houses and Commercial (RUK) of the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Fitrah Nur said the PSR achievement had increased, from the beginning it only reached 183,331 units.

"This achievement is divided into 84 percent consisting of 252,875 housing units for low-income people (MBR) and the remaining 16 percent, namely 45,328 housing units for non-MBR," Fitrah said in a written statement, Tuesday, May 16.

Based on the data collected, the housing achievement for MBR comes from activities carried out by the Ministry of PUPR with a total of 104,286 housing units.

This figure comes from the construction activities of the Directorate General of Housing as many as 57,549 units and the Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing (DJPI) with the distribution of housing financing funds for the community through the FLPP KPR and BP Tapera as many as 46,737 units.

Furthermore, the construction of houses carried out by other ministries/agencies was 4,286 units, regional governments 2,127 units, non-FLPP developers 133,716 units, CSR housing 153 units, and development carried out by the community as many as 8,307 units.

"Meanwhile, for non-MBR houses built by developers as many as 16,246 units and by the community as many as 29,082 units," said Fitra.

In the future, said Fitri, the Ministry of PUPR will continue to coordinate with partners and stakeholders in the housing sector to encourage the achievement of the PSR target.

"We also have a Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P) and a Housing Provision Work Unit in each province of Indonesia so that PSR data collection can run well and be coordinated properly," he concluded.

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