JAKARTA - The restaurant company affiliated with Wulan Guritno, namely PT Lima Dua Lima Tiga Tbk (S stock code: LUCY) at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) decided to distribute dividends of IDR 5 per share for the 2022 financial year.

LUCY President Director Surya Andarrachman said the dividend distribution was based on the company's positive performance during 2022, where sales grew significantly by 358 percent year on year (yoy) to Rp66 billion.

Thus, the issuer managing the roof bar and restaurant Lucy In The Sky recorded a net profit of IDR 5.3 billion during 2022.

"One of the positive performances for the 2022 financial year is because the economic situation is in favor of business people, where management takes steps and approaches in running a business, and continues to strive to achieve long-term strategic goals," Surya quoted Antara as saying.

In addition, he continued, it is also supported by corporate governance and the development of Human Resources (HR), so that it can maintain the company's good performance.

In the AGMS, the company also changed the composition of the Board of Commissioners and added the Board of Directors, including the President Commissioner held by Billy Sabarto, and the Independent Commissioner was held by Sri Wulandari or Wulan Guritno.

Then, the President Director was held by Surya Andarurachman Putra, the Director was held by Randy Suherman, and the Director was held by Hermansyah.

LUCY plans to carry out a rights issue or additional capital with pre-emptive rights (PMHMETD) by issuing a maximum of 584.77 million shares with a nominal value of Rp10 per share.

The rights issue plan will be carried out in accordance with the provisions no later than 12 months after the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on May 2, 2023.

A total of Rp23 billion of rights issue funds will be used to take over 54 percent of PT Graha Senopati Sentosa (GSS) shares engaged in the supply of food and beverages.

Then, Rp11 billion was used to acquire 51 percent of PT Kreasi Sejahtera Bahagia (KSB) shares engaged in arts, entertainment and creativity services.

Meanwhile, currently the composition of LUCY's share ownership is PT Delta Wibawa Bersama which controls 48.25 percent, Dimas Wibowo 14.01 percent, Surya Andarurachman Putra 12.21 percent and is the controller, the rest, 25.53 percent spread across the public.

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