JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto appreciated the steps taken by PT Pertamina (Persero) from the gas station, BPH Migas and other officials, who had succeeded in preventing long queues at gas stations during the Eid Al-Fitr 2023 homecoming flow. However, he warned Pertamina and all parties to prepare for the arrival of backflows that were expected to occur on April 24 and 25. "This must be well prepared again," said Mulyanto in a statement to the media, Monday, April 24. It is known that the distribution of fuel during the homecoming flow this year is considered positive as seen from the lack of queues at Pertamina gas stations which were previously the cause of congestion at various points of the homecoming flow, even though the number of travelers this year is expected to increase compared to last year. According to Mulyanto, this year all stakeholders involved in distributing fuel oil (BBM) were seen to be more mature in terms of preparation. "Alhamdulillah. There are not many queues of vehicles at gas stations reported in the homecoming lane yesterday, including at the peak of homecoming around April 20. Of course, this is due to good preparation efforts from Pertamina the gas station, BPH Migas and other apparatus," he added.

Previously, to anticipate running out of gasoline during homecoming, Pertamina provided gasoline delivery services specifically on the Central Java toll road.Senior Supervisor Communication & Relation Patra Niaga Central Java, Marthia Mulia Asri, explained that Pertamina prepared 91 motorbike delivery and 3 pick-up cars that were ready to meet the needs of fuel drivers who lacked in the middle of the toll road. This payment of gasoline delivery can be made through cash.

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