The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) appreciates those who have contributed to optimizing the use of domestic products.

This effort is expected to increase the interest of domestic product users as well as generate business passion for industry players in the country.

"The purpose of this appreciation is in the form of awarding the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN Award). This agenda is in accordance with the mandate of Article 77 paragraph 2 in Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018 concerning Industrial Empowerment," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Dody Widodo in his official statement, quoted on Wednesday, March 15.

In line with the implementation of Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018, Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) Number 4 of 2023 concerning Procedures for Providing Awards for the Use of Domestic Products has also been issued. "The regulation states that this award will be held every year," he said.

In Permenperin Number 4 of 2023, it is explained that the categories of users who will receive awards include ministries and institutions, local governments (provinces and regencies/cities), BUMN and BUMD, state-owned legal entities, private business entities that are required to use domestic products in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, as well as business entities that carry out national strategic project activities (PSN).

"Meanwhile, the categories of producers who will receive awards include large industries, medium industries, and small industries that provide domestic products for the procurement of goods and services," explained Dody.

To determine the recipients of this P3DN Award, all users and producers of domestic products will go through an assessment process. The assessments considered for users, such as compliance with the obligation to use domestic products in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, as well as the realization of the use of domestic products in the procurement of their goods and services.

In addition, there are also assessment aspects that come from the evaluation process in the implementation of the P3DN Program and aspects of the domestic product campaign that have been implemented.

For the producer's assessment, the ownership of the TKDN value in the product, user acceptance of the product concerned, as well as the implementation of campaigns for the use of domestic products in the company's internal environment or society in general.

"The assessment takes place in two stages, namely an initial assessment through data mapping and final assessment by means of supporting data checks," said Dody.

In the initial assessment, the assessment team will collect data to then determine the nomination of the award recipient. From this initial data, parties who enter as nominees will be welcome to present these data in front of the assessment team from across institutions.

The assessment team at the awarding of the Use of Domestic Products was chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Industry, the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), the Ministry of SOEs, the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP), as well as several other ministries and institutions according to the Decree of the Minister of Industry Number 941 of 2023 concerning the Assessment Team for the Use of Domestic Products 2023.

This assessment team was determined by the minister of industry taking into account the representation of each agency.

"This assessment team has provided recommendations for award recipients. Later, there will be 12 categories divided into four groups, namely ministries/agencies, local governments, business entities, and producers," said Dody.

Dody is also optimistic that the award for the Use of Domestic Products will be able to build trust in the use of domestic products. Because, currently many have high quality and are able to be competitive with imported products.

"With the widespread use of domestic products, it will have a positive impact on improving the national economy and the optimal revenue of the state," he added.

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