JAKARTA PT Bahana TCW Investment Management is said to have built a collaboration with PT Mandiri Sekuritas (Mandiri Sekuritas) related to the distribution and sale of mutual fund products.

Later, Mandiri Sekuritas will become one of the agents selling mutual fund securities (APERD) from superior investment products offered by Bahana TCW.

Director of Bahana TCW Danica Ad blackata said the synergy of these two SOEs is the initial stage of various strategic collaborations planned to run in 2023.

"We are sure that this collaboration will make fund growth manageable according to the target, which is 10 percent by the end of 2023," he said in a written statement on Thursday, March 9.

According to Danica, his party will present new investment products, as well as product distribution. He said, partnerships will be carried out by involving technology and implementing risk culture and strict good corporate governance," he said.

Danica added that his party hopes that the growth of the mutual fund Number of Account (NOA) in Indonesia, with 90 percent of investors still centered in Jabodetabek, will still be very wide open opportunities for retail investors to invest.

The growth in the number of mutual fund investors in Indonesia is predicted to continue to increase. This must be balanced by the availability of investment products that can answer the needs of the community and the existing global dynamics," he added.

"With the involvement of technology according to the demands of the times and the synergy between financial industry players both from within the country and globally, the availability of these products can be maintained so as to contribute to the growth of the Indonesian investment world," said Danica.

Referring to data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the number of mutual fund investors in Indonesia until December 2022 reached 9.6 million investors. This figure increased 40.2 percent compared to the end of 2021 of 6.8 million investors.

OJK said the increase has consistently continued for the last five years. This growth illustrates the increasing number of people who are interested in mutual fund products and other capital market products.

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