PT Pertamina Patra Niaga ensures that the stock and distribution of fuel in the West Java region is well fulfilled after the incident at the Integrated Terminal of Jakarta, Plumpang.

Pertamina Patra Niaga President Director Alfian Nasution, said that since the incident his party had moved quickly to activate the Regular, Alternative, and Emergency (RAE) distribution scheme or alternative distribution schemes, with the assistance of supplies from the Tanjung Gerem BBM Terminal (TBBM), Cikampek TBBM, Ujung Berung TBBM and Balongan TBBM.

The overall need for fuel for the West Java region is supplyed from 7 fuel terminals. Currently, the stock and distribution are in a safe condition. So that people don't need to worry," explained Alfian in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 6.

Alvian said, in terms of product supply, the average stock security days (coverage days) of gasoline (Pertalite, Pertamax, and Pertamax Turbo) for the West Java region are still at 18 days.

Meanwhile, gasoil fuel (Biosolar, Dexlite, and Pertamina Dex) is still at 17 days.

For information, the status of the Jakarta Integrated Emergency Terminal, Plumpang, was revoked on Saturday (4/3) at 03.35 WIB.

Pertamina cooperates with various parties in providing refugee posts in safe locations, for residents living around Plumpang.

As well as monitoring and providing assistance for victims who are being treated at the hospital and the families of the accompanying victims.

Alvian added, for people who want more information, they can contact Pertamina Call Center 135.

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