JAKARTA - Commission IV of the DPR RI asked the Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog) to increase the national rice stock with a minimum stock of 1 million tons to 1.5 million tons.

Member of Commission IV DPR RI Andi Akmal Pasluddin said the national stock of Bulog rice, which is only around 400 thousand tons, is not yet safe for market and disaster operations.

"In February, March, and April there will be a big harvest, we hope that rice stocks can reach 1 million to 1.5 million tons," he said, quoted from Antara, Thursday, February 23.

Andi revealed that the current national rice reference data varies between agencies, so there needs to be an agreement between BPS, Bappenas, the Ministry of Agriculture, Bulog, and the National Food Agency regarding which data will be used so that the data is no longer different.

According to him, if indeed the data used as a reference is BPS data, then there should be a potential of more than 1 million hectares of harvest, which means that the opportunity to meet Bulog's stock is 1 million to 1.5 million tons very open.

After entering the fasting month and Eid, accurate rice data will not cause confusion in the community.

"We should not think about importing first, but how to maximize domestic absorption, meaning rice from our farmers at the price of flexibility," Andi ordered.

He further conveyed that Bulog has a strategic role as a state institution tasked with distributing and breaking the supply chain of rice commodities so that it is not expensive.

Therefore, Bulog should not only try to meet food stocks, but also affordable food for the community as well as help farmers.

"Bulog, the National Food Agency, and the Ministry of Agriculture must work together to absorb domestic rice, so that farmers can smile at good prices and consumers can buy rice at normal prices," said Andi.

Based on the results of the review of the representation of rice farmers, the rice absorption rate is only around 70 to 80 percent.

Member of Commission IV DPR RI Alien Mus hopes Bulog can increase absorption of rice farmers by up to 100 percent.

"I hope that the availability of food, especially rice, will still be maintained," he concluded.

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