JAKARTA - Director General of Electricity Jisman Hutajulu revealed that in 2023 carbon trading will be carried out in the power generation sub-sector in the mandatory stage.

Jisman explained, for this year the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has determined the value of the Technical Approval for the Upper Limit Emission of Business Actors (PTBAE-PU) to 99 units of PLTU Batubara from 42 companies that will participate in carbon trading with a total installed capacity of 33,569 MW.

"This is quite large, almost the same as Java Madura Bali (Jamali) with its capacity," he said in his remarks at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Wednesday, February 22.

This carbon trade was first carried out in Indonesia at a coal power plant unit connected to the PT PLN (Persero) power network with a larger capacity or the same as 100 MW.

Jisman detailed, of the 99 units of PLTU that joined, 55 units of PLTU from PLN Group and 44 units of PLTU from IPP with 85 units of non-mining mouth and 14 units from the mouth of the mine.

"Outside of the 99 units, there will also be participants participating in carbon trading through an offset mechanism, namely business actors of EBT generators and business actors who carry out mitigation actions in the energy sector," continued Jisman.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is targeting to reduce 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through this year's carbon trading scheme.

The implementation of carbon trading in the electricity sub-sector will be carried out in 3 phases, namely phase 1 in 2023 to 2024, Phase 2 in 2025 to 2027 and Phase 3 in 2027 to 2030.

Meanwhile, the phase after 2030 will be carried out in accordance with the target of controlling emissions in the energy sector greenhouse gas. As a realization of Phase I, carbon trading in 2023 will be carried out in coal-fired PLTU generating units connected to the PT PLN (Persero) power grid with a larger capacity or equal to 100 MW and in 2024 it will also apply to coal power plants with a larger capacity or equal to 25 MW.

Jisman further explained that carbon trading was carried out through direct trading and exchanges.

"Saat ini pemerintah sedang menyiapkan infrastruktur bursa carbon pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX)," pungkas Jisman.

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