JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force) carried out physical control activities in the form of installing signposts on ex-BLBI property assets in the form of land covering an area of 241,170 m2 with an estimated value of IDR 1 trillion. The asset is registered in the name of PT Intercon Enterprises originating from the Takeover Guarantee Goods (BJDA) of former Bank Tamara and is taken into account as the depreciator of Bank Tamara's obligations by the National Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN). An official statement was quoted from Antara Thursday, February 16, the Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban said the installation of security signs was aimed at completing and restoring state rights from BLBI funds by the BLBI Task Force. The assets are located in South Meruya Village and Srengseng Village (Meruya Udik Village), Kembangan District, West Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province according to Building Use Rights Certificate (SHGB) Number 436, SHGB Number 437, and SHGB Number 442. Assets have been recorded as assets state property in central government financial reports or special transaction financial reports, which are currently managed by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN). Physical control of ex-BPPN/ex-BLBI property assets was carried out by the BLBI Task Force starting with a morning rally at 08.00 WIB by all officers and followed by the installation of signs at 22 points. Physical control of the assets is carried out by the BLBI Task Force led by Rionald Silaban as the Chairman together Chairman of the Secretariat of the BLBI Task Force Purnama Sianturi, Head of the DJKN Regional Office of the DKI Jakarta Ministry of Finance Aloysius Yanis Dhaniarto, Head of the Jakarta V State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL), and ranks. This activity was also accompanied by security from the BLBI Bareskrim Polri Task Force led by Kombes Pol Bagus Suropratomo together with Kombes Pol Yohanes Richard Andrians, AKBP Agus Waluyo, AKBP Miss Pricillia Ohei, AKBP Aris Wibowo, AKBP I Putu Bayu Pati, Kompol Kalfaris Triwijaya Lalo, and ranks.

The event was also attended by the ranks of the West Jakarta Metro Police led by the Head of Ops, the ranks of Kodim 0305/West Jakarta, the ranks of the Kembangan Police, the ranks of Danramil 07 Kembangan, the West Jakarta City Satpol PP, the South Meruya Village Head, and representatives of the Srengseng Village Head. The asset assets of the former BLBI are a priority for handling the BLBI Task Force. For these physical assets that have been carried out, management will be optimized in accordance with applicable regulations. For the next stage, the BLBI Task Force has planned physical control actions against property assets spread across various cities/regencies in Indonesia.

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