JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will hold a Regional Consultation (Konreg) in 2023 which aims to coordinate and synchronize the PUPR program in 2024 with all local governments.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono reiterated President Joko Widodo's direction to complete construction work no later than the first semester of 2024.

"This means that our program in 2024 is a continuation of the multi-year contract that started this year and the previous year. Then, OPOR in order to take advantage of the development that we have completed. Then, new activities can only be carried out by the President's directive," said Minister Basuki at the Opening of Regional Consultations of the Ministry of PUPR in 2023 at the PUPR Ministry Auditorium, Jakarta, Monday, February 13.

Basuki also instructed that the Regional Road Development Inpres to handle maintenance or improvement of regional roads outside the national road can be programmed this year, so that it can begin to be implemented in 2024.

In addition, he invited local governments, especially Bappeda and the PUPR Service, to jointly develop their programs properly and correctly.

"We want to invite local governments to inspire this so that they can really serve industrial areas, tourism areas, and production areas, including rice fields, plantations, transmigration," he said.

Finally, Basuki asked all personnel from the Ministry of PUPR and local governments to maximize the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) according to the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"This means that starting from planning, it has been designed for domestic products. I want us to remain consistent in increasing the purchase of domestic products. The directive is not to prioritize domestic products, but to prohibit imports," he said.

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