Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mahendra Siregar today inaugurated and took the oath of office of 16 work unit leaders (satker) officials at the level of deputy commissioners and department heads.

It was stated that this strategic step was part of strengthening the organization as well as implementing OJK's duties and functions.

"Today effectively, we have a new organizational structure for three fields, namely the non-bank financial industry (IKNB), the capital market and consumer education and protection. This is the authority's response to the presence of the Law on Strengthening and Development of the Financial Sector (UU PPSK)," he said in a written statement on Wednesday, February 1.

According to Mahendra, the PPSK Law demands a more comprehensive role from OJK in regulating, supervising and protecting and serving consumers in the financial services sector.

"The OJK's human resources must have the ability, knowledge and experience directly from various fields in order to carry out their duties according to the prevailing mandate," he said.

Mahendra explained that the process of fulfilling the positions of deputy commissioners and department heads was carried out carefully in accordance with good governance, namely through a direct monitoring process from members of the OJK Board of Commissioners to eligible candidates.

"This is a form of commitment from the OJK Board of Commissioners who continue to strive to prioritize the principles of good governance and obedience to provisions," he said.

Here are the 16 new authorities appointed today.

1. Bambang W. Budiawan as Deputy Commissioner for Supervision of Financing Institutions and Other Financial Services Institutions

2. Moch. Ihsanuddin as Deputy Commissioner for Insurance and Pension Funds

3. Djustini Septiana as Deputy Commissioner for Supervision of Issuers, Transactions of Effects, and Special Examinations

4. Yunita Linda Sari as Deputy Commissioner for Investment Management of Capital Markets and Securities Institutions

5. Sarjito as Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Protection

6. Dewi Astuti as Head of the IKNB Insurance and Supporting Services Supervision Department

7. Moch. Muchlasin as Head of the Department of Pension Fund Supervision and Special Supervision of IKNB

8. Ahmad Nasrullah as Head of the Supervision Department of Financing Institutions and Special Financial Institutions

9. Triyono as Head of the Supervision Department of Other Financial Services Institutions

10. Djoeniri as Head of the Department of IKNB Regulation and Development

11. Asep Iskandar as Head of the Department of Licensing, Special Examination and Quality Control of IKNB

12. Ona Retnesty Swaminingrum as Head of the Department of Supervision of Securities Institutions

13. Khoirul Mittaqien as Head of the Department of Special Audit and Effect Transactions

14. Luthfy Zain Fuady as Head of the Capital Market Licensing Department

15. Novira Indrianingrum as Head of the Emiten and Public Company Supervision Department

16. Bernard Widjaja as Head of the Market Conduct Supervision Department.

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