JAKARTA - The President Director of Perum Bulog, Budi Waseso, admitted that he was unable to dismantle the rice mafia in the country. In fact, he was the former Head of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency in 2015.

Buwas, Budi Waseso's nickname, said that exposing the practice of crime and mafia names was not his authority as the number one person in Bulog.

"As the President Director of Bulog, the past (Kabareskrim) has passed. Today there is no rank, my authority is no longer there, especially law enforcement," he said at the Bulog Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday, January 20.

Buwas claims to have evidence of voice recordings that could indicate the whereabouts of the rice mafia. The evidence will be submitted to the authorities, in this case the Police Food Task Force.

"That's why I will hand this over to the authorities, not to be open. Those who have the right to open are in accordance with their authority, and their fields," he said.

In fact, continued Buwas, the rice mafia dared to hold a meeting near the Bulog office.

"Don't be like that. What are these models and the courage to hold the meeting near the Bulog office, it's really top," he said.

Buwas said he also received reports about the rice mafia from traders. Buwas said they complained that they could not get Bulog rice at a low price.

"It turns out that these traders get at an expensive price, how do they want to sell cheaply, because they also buy expensive," he said.

Therefore, Buwas said he did not hesitate to fire his subordinates on Bulog's body, if proven to have played with the price of rice controlled by the company.

"I know the games in Bulog, I have no doubts about firing the person concerned," he said.

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