JAKARTA - The President Director of Perum Bulog, Budi Waseso, revealed that there is a rice mafia that deliberately plays with prices, so the price of rice in the market is still expensive. He admitted that he had provided this information to the National Police Food Task Force for immediate action.

"Earlier I said, is there a mafia, yes, what is the mafia like? Later I will tell the Food Task Force, if I open here I immediately run away, immediately disappear, so don't avoid it later," he said at the Bulog Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday, January 20.

Furthermore, Buwas, Budi Waseso's nickname, claims to have evidence that could indicate the existence of the rice mafia.

"Everything is clear, I opened the meeting when I had all the recordings, I know what I was talking about," he said.

Buwas said that if later there were findings of rice issued by Bulog for market operations but re-absorbed during the main harvest, then there would be a game involving suppliers and internal members of Bulog.

"If it happens again, there are findings that this rice will enter Bulog again (during absorption at the main harvest), now that is the supplier and my members will definitely play. I don't want that, I have received a lot of lessons in Bulog," he said.

Therefore, Buwas emphasized that he did not hesitate to take steps to dismiss his subordinates if they were proven to be involved with the rice mafia.

"I know the games in Bulog, Bulog are intimidated and I don't hesitate to fire the person concerned. For example, in South Sulawesi, rice is lost, he said on loan, so I didn't have to wait to fire first," he said.

The former high-ranking police officer emphasized that Bulog does not need such people who do not have integrity and commitment in carrying out their duties from the government.

"Don't play with life's stomach problems. This is why I said to the internal Bulog, let's build this commitment. If you can't, step down or be forced to resign," he said.

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