YOGYAKARTA Rate cards are one of the completeness that must exist when an influencer offers his services. This document is usually used by influencers in various media such as television media to digital media such as TikTok, Twitter, to Instagram. Then what is a rate card?

The literally rate card means a tariff card. The definition of a rate card can be interpreted as a document containing details of the price set for certain services. This document is identical to businesses related to media and publications and is usually owned by companies or influencers.

Specifically, on the Marketing Terms website, the understanding of the rate card is a document with a price detail on various advertising options. This document serves to explain the initial rates according to the value or value owned by a company or influencer in the market.

The term rate card has actually been used by companies related to advertising for a long time. Before the busy use of the term, advertising agencies used the term price list or price list.

The rate card is useful for explaining the price in detail related to the products offered, both in the form of goods and services. The price explanation provided includes the price of the basic product to the additional costs that will be charged with various adjustments.

The existence of a rate card is actually needed by anyone who offers products to consumers, especially those engaged in the creative industry ranging from influencers, content writers, social specialist media, freelancers, illustrators, or people who provide services in the field of social media.

It should be noted that the rate card of each product provider is different. The rate card is compiled based on the targeted media, the number of followers, the type of content, and so on.

To determine the rate card, a person must be based on the existing data. For example, the Instagram rate card is a price list based on the effectiveness of marketing or broadcasting via Instagram. To create an Instagram rate card, you must rely on what features are provided, what number of followers, how much engagement can be obtained, and so on.

While the TikTok rate card is a price list based on marketing or broadcasting services through the TikTok media. TikTok's data rate cards can be based on the number of followers, engagement, type of content to be uploaded, to how much content opportunity to become FYP.

Although there is a lot of data that can be used as a benchmark, to make your rate card stick to the following general matters.

Cost per Action or CPA is a price set from how likely the action is obtained from the target market. Action itself can be in the form of downloads, purchases, visits to websites, and so on.

Cost per View (CPV) is a price set from the average view that will be obtained by influencers. CPV is usually used by digital media influencers such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and so on.

As mentioned earlier, the rate card is commonly used by advertising agencies with various media. The rate card will also be adjusted to the media used as a means of advertising. The example is as a berry.

That's information related to what the rate card is. For other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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