JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will allocate a budget for the housing sector of no less than IDR 7 trillion this year.

"Allocated for the housing sector is IDR 6.98 trillion", said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono at the DPR Building, Jakarta, quoted on Wednesday, January 18.

Basuki said the budget included support for the construction of the Archipelago State Capital (IKN) worth IDR 540 billion.

According to the plan, the housing sector budget of IDR 6.98 trillion will be allocated for the construction of 5,379 flats with a budget of IDR 2 trillion.

Next, the construction of 145 thousand self-help housing units with a budget of IDR 3.19 trillion.

Then, the construction of 3,362 special housing units with a budget of IDR 890 billion, including the construction of multi-year contract (MYC) 2022-2024 ministerial posts at IKN Nusantara.

Furthermore, a budget of IDR 380 billion is for the construction of infrastructure, facilities, and utilities (PSU) for low-income community housing (MBR) spread across 34 Provinces, three PSU Locations of Housing Access Roads, and 100 Units of Earthquake Resistant Modular Core Growing Houses.

Meanwhile, a budget of IDR 210 billion and IDR 300 billion will be used for other technical support and management support, respectively.

The PUPR Ministry is known to have built 3,998 flats throughout 2022. In addition, the PUPR Ministry has also built 4,039 special housing units and 186,172 self-help housing units through the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) program.

It doesn't stop there, the PUPR Ministry has also built 20,757 units of infrastructure, facilities, and utilities (PSU) for housing for low-income people.

For your information, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) receives a budget ceiling of IDR 125.22 trillion in 2023. This budget includes infrastructure development.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, with this budget, there are several program plans to be implemented, namely in the field of water resources worth IDR 41.95 trillion, roads and bridges IDR 49.31 trillion, settlements IDR 25.03 trillion, and housing IDR 6.98 trillion.

"The priority, as directed by the President for 2023-2024, is to specifically strive to complete the PSN (National Strategic Project) programs which are being pursued in the first semester of 2024, all of which have been completed", said Basuki at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

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