Bulog Import Soybeans Do Not Visit Enter, Minister Of Trade Zulhas Hard Protests
Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (center) inspected the Bunga Sari Flour Factory/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan criticized Perum Bulog for being slow to realize imports of 350,000 tons of soybeans. In fact, this was decided in a limited meeting (ratas) in November 2022. Initially, Bulog admitted that he was ready to carry out the assignment and would bring in 350,000 tons of soybeans in November 2022. However, until now the Bulog's promise has not been realized. At that time Pak Bulog (President Director) said it could be 1,500, from November, December it didn't go viral,he said it was met in Cilegon, Banten, Sunday, January 15. Zulhas, Zulkifli Hasan's nickname, assessed that BUMN should have taken a strategic step when commodity prices in the market experienced price increases. Including, soybean prices. Furthermore, Zulhas admitted that he was angry because Bulog did not keep its promise. In fact, according to him, when stock was fulfilled, then market intervention could be carried out. This method is believed to be able to reduce prices in the market. I protest hard because of promises, 'this goods will come, sir,' it doesn't come at the end of December either, he said in January, what date, I don't think this will be possible," he said.

For your information, the assignment of the Ministry of Trade to Bulog is related to importing 350,000 tons of soybeans at the same time to meet the needs of domestic tofu and tempe craftsmen. In addition, this import step is to reduce the price of soybeans in the market which has increased since November last year. In fact, the price has reached Rp. 13,000 per kilogram (kg).

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