PT PLN (Persero) operates the Fast Charging Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) at the office complex of the Governor of South Kalimantan Province. General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan (UID Kalselteng) Muhammad Joharifin said this SPKLU was the first in the government office area in Kalimantan.

This SPKLU (fast charging) is the first in the government environment on the island of Kalimantan. So, we are very supportive of the use of green energy launched by the Governor, namely Borneo Green Environment," said Joharifin in an official statement, Saturday, January 14.

Furthermore, he explained, SPKLU at the South Kalimantan Governor's Office has a fast charging type with a capacity of 50 Kilo Watts (KW) capable of charging electric car batteries from 20 percent to 100 percent with only 45 minutes. Of course, this SPKLU is also open to anyone who wants to charge electric vehicles there.

"Steps to reduce emissions will continue to be carried out by PLN, of course, accelerating the electric vehicle ecosystem is also an effort to increase national energy security so that it does not depend on fossil import energy," said Joharifin.

Joharifin added that prospective SPKLU users do not need to worry because PLN has prepared an Electric Vehicle feature for each filling at the PLN SPKLU. This feature can be accessed easily through the PLN Mobile application, including for location monitoring and electronic payments.

"PLN also continues to open collaboration and cooperation for all parties, both government and private agencies, in order to increase the number of SPKLU spreads. We hope that in the future, more SPKLUs will operate so that they will contribute to reducing carbon emissions due to the use of fossil fuels," concluded Joharifin.

South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor hopes that the installation of this fast charging SPKLU will strengthen the electric vehicle ecosystem and improve the economy of the people in South Kalimantan.

"Of course this will be a good momentum for improving the economy and the electric vehicle ecosystem in South Kalimantan," said Sahbirin.

Sahbirin added that previously 13 SPKLU units had been installed in 10 locations in Kalimantan. This installation is also in line with Presidential Instruction number 7 of 2022 concerning the use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB) as operational service vehicles or individual vehicles for the offices of Central Government and Regional Government agencies.

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