Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is said to have received representatives of Komnas Perempuan who reported that there were around 3,600 cases of violence against women over the past year.

Responding to this, the Minister of Finance stated that this issue must be taken seriously considering the large number of victims recorded.

"The issues of violence against women must be handled and ended!" he said through his personal Instagram account @smindrawati on Thursday, January 12.

According to the Minister of Finance, non-wearing incidents generally occur around domestic violence (KDRT). According to him, informal working women such as domestic workers and homework workers have not received protection, there is an income gap between men and female workers.

There are also sexual violence that occurs in the workplace and online gender-based violence. This case is said to be rampant as a result of the increasingly massive development of technology and information.

"This is certainly very concerning. Therefore, the APBN must be present to pay special attention to support the handling and prevention of violence," he said.

The state treasurer ensures that it will provide greater space in fiscal instruments to overcome women's problems.

"I support the idea that the APBN instrument through the LPDP program can accommodate the need for counseling personnel from violent issues. Likewise, improving facilities such as call centers for complaints and handling victims of violence and other office facilities," said the Minister of Finance.

He also explained that the Ministry of Finance does not tolerate acts of violence against women.

"The Ministry of Finance has issued a Circular (SE) regarding violent and harassment-free zones in the work environment. I hope similar initiatives are also carried out in both government and private agencies," he said.

In the 2023 Work Plan and Budget, Komnas Perempuan together with Komnas HAM have a budget ceiling of IDR 110 billion. This figure is higher than the 2022 allocation of IDR 99.4 billion.

"Let's fight together and stop violence against women!" closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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