Regional Marketing Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Mars Ega revealed that his party had sent 20 tankers containing fuel oil (BBM) to the Karimunjawa Islands, which reportedly had their energy supply running low.

"Alhamdulillah, we can supply 20 tankers with KRI Makassar. Hopefully they can survive until Karimunjawa so that the community can meet their fuel needs," said Mars, quoted on Thursday, January 5.

Mars said the scarcity of supplies in Karimunjawa was caused by extreme weather such as high waves, making it difficult for Pertamina to supply fuel and LPG gas.

Mars added that it had anticipated extreme weather. But he admitted he could not predict how long the bad weather would last.

"Before the new year, we had built up stock both at our fuel terminal and our service outlets. But indeed this weather can estimate the month but surely the date will be how long it will be difficult," continued Mars.

As for the fuel sent to Karimunjawa, there are 100 KL of fuel consisting of 65 KL of Biosolar, 30 KL of Pertalite and 5 KL of Dexlite.

Furthermore, Mars revealed that the current national fuel stock is sufficient and in safe conditions, namely LPG is sufficient for 15 days, 70 days of kerosene, Pertalite 21 days, Pertamax 42 days, Pertamax Turbo 62 days, solar 22 days, Pertamina Dex 52 days and Avtur 29 days.

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