JAKARTA - Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno appealed to tourists and tourism actors to pay attention to safety factors in traveling. This is important because not a few of them have accidents while on vacation, either on their way to tourist sites or while enjoying tourist sites.

In order to anticipate the large number of tourists during the 2023 New Year holiday, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno issued a Circular on Travel Safety.

Circular number SE / 8 / DI.01.01 / MK / 2022 and SE / 9 / DI.01.01 / MK / 2022 concerning the Implementation of Safe, Convenient, and Fun Tourism in Tourist attractions was signed on December 26, 2022.

Sandiaga Uno also appealed to tourism travelers and tourism destination managers to pay close attention to the safety of tourism transportation drivers and tourists, in an effort to organize safe, comfortable and fun tourism activities.

"The implementation of transportation services is expected to provide a safe, comfortable, and fun travel experience for tourists and similar things, of course, we hope that tourist destination managers can create them," Sandiaga said, as quoted on Sunday, January 1.

"For that, we need support from various parties to jointly maintain the safety of tourists and anticipate transportation accidents and tourist rides," he continued.

He also said that the tourism industry is closely related to the transportation sector which plays an active role in mobilizing tourists to various tourist destinations and returning to their place of origin. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to safety, security, and comfort factors, so as to create a safe, comfortable, and pleasant travel experience.

Therefore, Sandiaga appealed to tourists to use tourist transportation services that have official and roadworthy permits.

In addition, Sandiaga also asked tourism transportation actors to pay attention to the safety of tourists by conducting periodic checks on existing transportation units.

It does not stop there, the issue of licensing must also be considered, pay attention to the number of passengers so as not to exceed capacity, and be aware of weather changes and pay attention to calls from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) regarding potential natural disasters.

"In addition, tourism destination managers must also provide proper resting places for tourism transportation drivers," said Sandiaga.

"Then, local governments, associations, and users of tourist transportation will help monitor the implementation of transportation safety management standards on tourism transportation and report to the authorities in the event of a violation," he continued.

Meanwhile, for tourism destination managers, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy requested that tourism destination managers pay attention to security, health, tourist safety, and management factors by implementing strict operational standards for work safety and health (K3) procedures and always implementing CHSE (cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability) health protocols.

In addition, they are also required to make technique visibility management to avoid accumulating tourists at one point and pay attention to visitors during events involving many people or crowds at tourist sites, ensuring the use of rides or tourist attractions according to their carrying capacity.

Then, provide evacuation routes by installing assembly point boards to anticipate disasters, pay attention to weather changes and information from the BMKG regarding potential natural disasters and inform tourists, officers, and the community around tourist destinations.

"I also urge tourism destination managers to strengthen coordination with tourism support stakeholders, be it the central, regional, and private governments in order to provide excellent service to tourists," concluded Sandiaga Uno.

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