JAKARTA - The gold mining company PT J Resources Asia Pacific Tbk (PSAB) will continue to carry out massive explorations in 2023.

PSAB President Director Edi Permadi revealed that the company has two superior assets, namely the Bakan Mine managed by PT J Resources Bolaang Mongondow (PT JRBM) which is the company's production asset, then also the Doup Mining Project managed by PT Arafura Surya Alam (PT ASA) which is currently in the development and development stage.

He detailed, at the location of Mining Bakan, the company is developing infrastructure in the new pit, namely Pit Tapagale. With ore material reaching 6.7 metric tons and Au levels averaged 0.81 gpt, this pit will be a significant source of ore for the Bakan Mine.

"Therefore, the company will ensure the Tapagale Pit to start operating in 2023 according to the production schedule," he told the media quoted on Friday, December 30.

To support pit Tapagale, he continued, several works have begun to be carried out, namely the construction of 3 (three) sediment ponds, construction of waste disposal channels, construction of temporary transport roads for the transportation of construction materials, as well as construction of Tapagale permanent transport roads for the transportation of ore material after mining operations. running.

"The construction of this road has begun in the third quarter of 2022 and is targeted for completion in January 2023. For the Tapaale Pit, the total Capex issued until November 2022 has reached around USD 6.7 million," he added.

Regarding the Doup Mining Project in East Bolaang Mongondow, added Edi, throughout 2022 the Company has carried out several main works ranging from the Development of Permanent Camps, Construction of Water Processing Installations, preparation of Camp Pad Construction, construction of Power Plant and MCC Room, construction of Power Over Head Line PLN, Manufacturing and Facrication of Processing Factory Equipment and EPC by involving contractors.

Furthermore, several important workers will be carried out starting from land preparation work this month. Designation and Civilization or foundation will begin in February 2023, and mining will begin in August 2023.

"Commissioning is planned for December 2023 and the first gold production is targeted in the first quarter of 2024," explained Edi.

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