JAKARTA - Acting Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana ensures that the supply of primary energy such as electricity, fuel and LPG in tourism destination areas, especially Bali Province, ahead of the 2023 New Year holiday, is ensured to be in a safe condition.

He said, for now, the stock availability is generally above average.

In addition to supply, the availability of fuel for power plants is also available on the day of operation (HOP).

"The fuel stock for Bali for 7 days and 7 days is considered sufficient because here it takes 3 days to bring in new supplies, so it is considered sufficient and indeed the stock of fuel in Bali is maintained at 6-7 days, including LPG," said Dadan in a statement to the media, Wednesday, December 28.

Pertamina and PLN, according to Dadan, have made maximum efforts to anticipate an increase in fuel and electricity needs ahead of the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays so that people can carry out activities in a calm and comfortable manner.

Dadan added that Pertamina's management regarding supply and demand has been very good and continues to improve from year to year.

"Earlier, I traveled from Banyuwangi to Bali to stop by at several gas stations and have been managed with good stock, there is no visible queues, indeed we met traffic jams, but in terms of stock it can be maintained for fuel and LPG," said Dadan.

For electricity supply supply, Dadan acknowledged that electricity supply in Bali is in prime demand because they have experience in handling large activities, such as the G20 Presidency.

"God willing, for Bali we have succeeded. Now we just have to make some adjustments from several locations that are definitely different," he continued.

Dadan revealed, PLN nationally and specifically in Bali has made good preparations for the Nataru holiday and even PLN has anticipated the collapse of the transmission tower.

"PLN has anticipated many things, including preparing a team to rebuild a collapsed transmission cable tower without the help of other contractors so that the construction can be faster," said Dadan.

In line with Dadan, IG Wayan Udayana, General Manager of the Bali Regional Main Unit (UP2B), stated that electricity conditions in Bali are still safe and hope that the New Year holiday alert period is still safe.

"The condition of electricity in Bali is still safe, hopefully until the end of the standby period January 4, 2023, it will still be safe. The security of the electricity system in Bali is currently the same as security during the G20 event, distribution, transmission to detailed venues," said Wayan.

Wayan continued, the last peak load in Bali was 916 MW, precisely on December 19 yesterday, while the total power of PLN Bali was 1,404 MW.

"So our capable power consists of generators in Bali amounting to 934 MW, transfers from Java amounting to 370 MW and relocation of the 100 MW Grati PLTG are able to meet the needs of the Balinese people," explained Wayan.

Meanwhile, the Executive General Manager of the East Java Regional Balinus Deni Djukardi emphasized that Pertamina had made maximum efforts to anticipate an increase in fuel needs ahead of the Nataru holiday so that people could carry out their activities on the Nataru holiday calmly and comfortably.

"The availability of Bulus' East Java fuel stock is in sufficient condition, including for subsidized fuel, in the sense that we have divided it fairly evenly according to its needs and of course we will distribute this subsidized fuel according to the quota intended for people who need it," concluded Deni.

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