JAKARTA - The movement of the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) slightly increased 0.06 percent to 6,824.43 at the end of trading on Thursday, December 22 yesterday. Meanwhile, the JCI on Friday, December 23, is predicted to move lower due to negative sentiment from the increase in domestic interest rates.

Equity Research Analyst Phintraco Sekuritas Rio Febrian projects that JCI is prone to experiencing corrections along with indications of overbought in Stochastic RSI. JCI has the potential to consolidate in the range of 6,780-6,850.

The latest domestic sentiment comes from the decision of Bank Indonesia (BI) which raised the benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points (bps). As a result, the benchmark interest rate in 2022 will be closed at the level of 5.5 percent.

"This decision is in accordance with market expectations after previously the Fed also slowed its benchmark interest rate increase in the FOMC December 2022," Rio said in his research.

According to him, this has the potential to trigger banking stocks, such as BRIS, BBNI and BTPS for rebounds. In addition, investors can also pay close attention to the opportunities for further rebounds in PTPP, BUKA, BULL, MEDC, UNVR, MTEL and MIKA.

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