YOGYAKARTA Bauxite is a material that can be processed into alumina-grade smelter (SGA) so that it can subsequently produce aluminum ingots. Bauxite can be found in Indonesia, there are even many derahs that produce bauxite in Indonesia, so many bauxite mines are available in the country.

Based on data from the Center for Geological Resources, bauxite resources in the country in 2013 reached 941.24 million tons. This figure brings Indonesia as the 8th largest bauxite producing country in the world. Then, which areas have the wealth of bauxite in Indonesia?

The first area to have bauxite reserves is West Kalimantan which has 66.77% of bauxite reserves nationally. The reserves are spread across several areas in West Kalimantan, especially in Pontianak Regency (Mempawah), Sanggau Regency (Tayan), Ketapang Regency, Kendawangan District, and Sandai District. Mining activities themselves are carried out by PT ANTAM.

According to data from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (DESDM) of West Kalimantan, in 2011 there were 49 companies with IUPs carrying out mining activities. Meanwhile, the number of bauxite natural resources in West Kalimantan is estimated at 3.29 billion tons.

Riau Islands also has natural resources in the form of bauxite which amounts to 180.97 million tons. The natural resources, especially in Lingga Regency, store 168.96 million tons. The rest are in four areas but the number is relatively small.

The huge potential for bauxite in the Riau Islands has even been mined since the Dutch colonial era. Meanwhile, currently mining activities are being carried out by PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk.

According to records from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Riau Islands (DESDM Riau Islands, 2011), the number of companies conducting bauskit mining with IUPs is 32 companies.

Bauxite is also stored in the land of Bangka Belitung, especially in the Sigembir area, Bangka Island. On the website of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, it is said that the Bangka Islands have reserves of bauxite iron ore which amount to 3.1 million tons.

North Sumatra also stores bauxite, especially in Pinang City, South Labuhanbatu Regency. Mining activities in this area are carried out in the forest and then carry out excavations. After the bauxite is found, the company will carry out processing that leads to the manufacture of various products.

Have you ever thought about what to use bauxite for? The answer is quite diverse. Bauxite itself is needed not only by Indonesia, but throughout the country in the world. The benefits of bauxite are as follows.

In general, the benefits of bauxite are used both in the industrial and household fields. Here are some of the benefits of bauxite.

The magnitude of the benefits of bauxite has made the Government decide to prohibit imports of bauxite ore starting in June 2023. This policy aims to encourage the country's processing industry.

"Starting June 2023, the government will impose a ban on the export of bauxite ore and encourage the domestic bauxite processing and refining industry," said President Joko Widodo, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 21.

That's information related to bauxite-producing areas. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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