JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) awarded the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention (Stranas PK) to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for the implementation of the Implementation of Electronic Goods and Services Procurement Action. Especially the Implementation of Construction Sectoral Catalog in the National Strategy to Prevent Corruption for the 2021-2022 Period.

This award was received by the Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Mohammad Zainal Fatah at the launch of the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention for the period 2023-2024, in Jakarta, on Tuesday, December 20.

"In the 2019-2020 period, the Ministry of PUPR was able to complete all target actions with a final achievement of 100 percent to receive an award for the Implementation Action of the ASN Merit System," said Zainal.

Furthermore, in the 2021-2022 period, Fatah said, the Ministry of PUPR supports Stranas PK actions through the Implementation of E-Payment and E-Catalog which includes three outputs, including the use of e-catalogs with indicators of the amount of purchase online (purchase order) in the sectoral catalog of each Ministry/Institution whose target is to reach 100 percent by December 2021.

"The implementation of e-payment and e-catalog is an online application developed by LKPP and involves many parties, including the Ministry of PUPR in its steps to realize state administration spending that is free from corrupt practices," he said.

To date, 24 commodities have been broadcast on e-catalog and this number is expected to continue to grow.

Some of the commodities that are broadcast include heavy equipment for operational work and maintenance in the fields of water resources, groundwater and raw water, sanitation and clean water vehicles, steel frame bridges, mobile PAM in the field of water resources, flood materials, operational work and maintenance of water resources, drinking water pipes, as well as technology. manufacture and housing.

E-catalog is an Information System developed by LKPP to facilitate the procurement of goods/services electronically, which contains information in the form of lists, types, technical specifications, TKDN, domestic products for SNI products, green industrial products, country of origin, prices, providers, and other information related to goods/services.

For your information, Stranas prevents corruption from being initiated/started in 2019 through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 54 of 2018 concerning the National Strategy to Prevent Corruption.

Then, the Presidential Regulation is set every two years by the national team that rejects corruption consists of five ministries of the Institution, including the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which acts as the coordinator, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the Ministry of PAN RB, and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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