JAKARTA - Former Minister of Mines and Energy for the period 1978-1988, Prof. Subroto died at the age of 99 in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at around 16.25 WIB.

Previously, the deceased underwent intensive treatment at RSPI Sulianti Saroso, North Jakarta.

Prof. Subroto was born in Solo, Central Java on September 19, 1923. After graduating from the Military Academy in Jogjakarta in 1948, he also completed his Master of Arts fromwaki University, Canada, in 1956, obtaining a Doctorate degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1958 and a Professor's degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1965. Finally, he also obtained a Honoris Causa Doctor's degree in Law from the University of AlaskaNCorage (UAA), Alaska, USA

Prior to serving as Minister of Mines and Energy, Prof. Subroto also served as Minister of Transmigration and Cooperatives in 1971 (1973, Minister of Manpower, Transmigration and Cooperatives in 1973 (1978, and Secretary General of OPEC in 1988-1994.

At the global level, Prof. Subroto is known as The Wise Minister Subroto from Indonesia.

The nickname given is due to wisdom and his careful vision in oil management among the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) countries.

Prof. Subroto is also skilled at diplomacy and was able to reduce disagreements between OPEC countries, while serving as President of the Conference (1985-1985) and Secretary General in 1988-1994.

Subroto is also a Professor of the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, also listed as one of the figures who participated in designing the blueprint for Indonesia's economic development. Together with Prof. Dr. Widjojo Nitisastro, Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, Prof. Dr. Moh. Sadli, and Prof. Dr. Ali Wardhana, he was a member of the Economic Team for Indonesia's development in the early era of the New Order.

Prof. Subroto is also the Founder and Chairman of BIMASEA, Association of Mining and Energy Communities, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesian Institute of Energy Economics (IIEE), Advisory Board of PT Medco Energi Internasional, Tbk., Board of Commissioners of PT Bank DBS Indonesia, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bangun Bina Anak Indonesia Foundation, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Mining and Minerals Research Institute (IMMRI), Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Military Academy Family Association (IKAM), and Advisory Board ASPERMIGAS.

Some of the services obtained by Prof. Dr. Subroto include:

The discourse of the First War of Independence by the Minister of Defense RI in 1958

way for a Hero Service Sign from the President Supreme Commander of the RI War Force in 1959

way to honor the Star Kartika Eka Paksi from President RI in 1972

way to Award Awards Styalancana Penegakan. from the Minister of Defense - Security RI in 1972

The star of the Republic of Indonesia and the Star of Mahaputera Adipradana' from President RI 1973

way to Award Sign Satyalancana Dwidya Sistha from the Minister of Defense of Security RI in 1982

way for the Honorary Veterans of Independence Fighters RI from the Minister of Security in 1987

way to Award Sign Satyalancana Dwidya Sistha from the Minister of Defense of Security RI 1989

way to appreciate the Service of Life in Energy from the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) in 2014

way to the Wirakarya Adhitata Award from the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Indonesia in 2015

wayu Award Pioneer Industri dari Asosiasi Pertambangan Batubara Indonesia (APBI) tahun 2018

wayu Award Katadata Lifetime Award tahun 2018

wayang Award field Energi Herman Johannes Award dari Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gajah Mada Jogjakarta tahun 2018

CAREs for the World Record of Culture Indonesian Oil and Energy' from MURI in 2018

Based on information received by VOI, Prof Subroto's body will be buried in the Chairul Saleh Building at the office of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources starting at 11.00 WIB until 15.00 WIB, then buried at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP) at 15.30 WIB.

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