PT PLN (Persero) has successfully completed the construction of the 150 kilovolt High Voltage Air Line (SUTT) (kV) Jatigedong-Ngimbang. The achievement of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) in this project is 73.88 percent.

Director of New Renewable Project and Energy Management of PLN Wiluyo Kusdwiharto explained that the construction of the Jatigedong-Ngimbang SUTT was completed on time and zero accident.

According to him, the electricity network with a track length of 37.3 kilometers (kms) and 62 towers will boost the economy and reliability of electricity in East Java.

"Reliability of the electricity system plays an important and absolute role in supporting the economy of the community. During the transition of the pandemic to endemic, PLN is ready to be present to support East Java's economic growth," said Wiluyo in his statement, Friday, December 9.

Furthermore, Wiluyo said, the success of the 150 kV SUTT development is a form of PLN's full dedication in electrifying the entire country.

"Consistently, PLN always strives to increase the reliability of electricity throughout Indonesia. This time PLN again shows a tangible manifestation of its dedication to increasing electricity reliability in East Java," he said.

General Manager of PLN's East Java and Bali Development Main Unit (UIP JBTB) Muhammad Ramadhansyah said the success of the 150 kV Jatigedong-Ngimbang energy SUTT could not be separated from the full cooperation and support from the local government.

The energy process was carried out after the entire series of stages of testing and testing equipment (commissioning) were successfully passed and marked by the issuance of a Voltage Like Recommendation (RLB).

"East Java's electricity reliability has increased with the success of charging at this 150 kV Jatigedong-Ngimbang SUTT. PLN Group and related stakeholders play a very important role from the beginning of the work implementation, until finally this first voltage can be given," he said.

He hopes that the 150 kV Jatigedong-Ngimbang energy SUTT will not only increase reliability in the electricity sector in East Java, but also have a direct impact on the economic growth of the surrounding community.

"We are optimistic that the increase in electricity reliability will support the business world, especially residents in the sub-system Kediri and Ngimbang sub-system areas. So that it can improve the welfare of the entire community," he said.

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