Pertamina Patra Niaga is ready to operate three new liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) terminals. The construction of these three LPG terminals is intended to make the energy distribution process more efficient and ensure more secure energy security.

The new LPG terminal is built in accordance with international standard technical and safety and will serve LPG needs in Wayame, Jayapura, and Dumai.

"With the operation of this new LPG terminal, Pertamina Patra Niaga hopes that energy security in the region will be more maintained and we can fulfill the energy needs of the community properly. This is Pertamina Patra Niaga's role in ensuring the availability, accessibility, and energy affordability throughout Indonesia," said the President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Alfian Nasution to the media, Wednesday, December 7.

Alfian continued, the construction and operation of the new LPG terminal is part of Pertamina Patra Niaga's commitment to carry out assignments regarding the construction and operation of fuel storage tanks and LPG in Indonesia, even the development of LPG terminals in Eastern Indonesia is included in the National Strategic Project (PSN).

As one of the PSN, the LPG terminals Wayame and Jayapura which will serve the needs of LPG in Maluku and Papua were built with a capacity of 2x1,000 metric tons (MT) each. Meanwhile, the Dumai LPG Terminal was built with a capacity of 2x3,000 MT.

"So the LPG Wayame and Jayapura Terminals are prepared to secure the supply of LPG in Eastern Indonesia, and for the Dumai LPG Terminal the goal is to increase the reliability of supply to meet the needs of LPG, which is currently around 910 MT per day. In general, this is a form of strengthening the energy distribution chain of Pertamina Patra Niaga throughout the country," explained Alfian.

In addition to strengthening supply reliability, the presence of these three new LPG terminals also has a positive impact in terms of operational efficiency of distribution of LPG in the area, with increased capacity and completeness of facilities and supporting facilities for the LPG terminal itself such as dock dock.

The presence of the LPG Wayame terminal and the Jayapura LPG terminal change the overall distribution pattern of LPG, where in the past LPG tubes were sent directly from Surabaya, currently sent by ship with a large capacity to secure stock in the area. Then with the increase in ship dock capacity at the Dumai LPG Terminal, delivery can be done at once and it affects shipping costs," said Alfian.

The reliability of LPG supply and distribution chain efficiency presented through the new LPG terminal also continues to consider and pay attention to the aspects of security, safety, and occupational health in its operation.

During the construction period until now starting to operate, these three LPG terminals have recorded at least more than 2.5 million safe working hours. This is Pertamina Patra Niaga's commitment to ensuring the LPG Terminal operates safely and with a high level of safety. We hope that this LPG Terminal can strengthen national energy security, operate safely, and provide guaranteed easy access to energy for our brothers," concluded Alfian.

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