YOGYAKARTA - Indonesia is a country that is often hit by natural disasters, ranging from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods, and others. Last November, an earthquake rocked Cianjur, causing casualties and causing severe damage to infrastructure.

Assistance in the form of materials and tools for earthquake victims also came from various parties. In addition, affected residents can also take advantage of their insurance to obtain compensation guarantees, be it life insurance or home insurance.

However, there are still many people who do not know how to claim that house insurance is damaged due to natural disasters. Even though home or property insurance really helps relieve victims of natural disasters to get housing guarantees.

Property insurance is a guarantee of protection for property belonging to victims of natural disasters. The property in question, namely houses, apartments, and other types of important properties that are affected by losses due to the impact of natural disasters.

Property insurance is useful for minimizing losses or risks due to natural disasters. Without property insurance assistance, victims of natural disasters will bear a very large cost burden to repair damaged buildings.

Property is a primary need in human life so it is very important to get insurance protection. Property insurance will help cover the cost of damage to houses from natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, plane crashes, and so on.

insurance observer Irvan Rahardjo said that the application for home insurance claims requires attaching policies as well as evidence of accidents. For files or documents required in applying for insurance, just like documents in general, namely, ID cards, family cards (KK), photocopies of policies, damage reports, police reports, RT/RW reports, and parts.

However, home insurance only bears basic guarantees for damage caused by natural disasters, such as fires, detonations, lightning, and plane falls. To file an insurance claim for earthquake damage, it is necessary to prepare several additional documents.

Documents required for earthquake claims, namely:

The application for home insurance claims needs to be made within 3x24 hours from a natural disaster. Furthermore, payments for claims must be distributed within one month of an agreement.

Approval or claim agreement is given based on interference from insurance and so on. The insurance will appoint an adjuster to assess the losses and the amount of claims submitted.

Premi yang harus dibayarkan untuk asuransi rumah untuk gempa bumi terhitung besar atau mahal. Besaran premium juga tergantung dari daerah yang terdampak berdasarkan zonanya. Apakah daerah tersebut berada di zona 1, 2, 3 sesuai dengan risiko daerah terhadap dampak bencanan alam gempa bumi atau gunung merepat.

Meanwhile, the types of protection provided in insurance are in the form of funds or rebuilding of destroyed houses. Funds and improvements provided depend on the losses suffered by those who file insurance claims.

Before submitting a claim, make sure you have prepared the specified conditions. Next you can make claims with the following procedure.

That is an explanation of home insurance or property in natural disasters. How to claim that home insurance is damaged due to natural disasters can be done easily as long as you prepare the documents requested by the policy. This insurance needs to be owned for everyone because it really helps ease the economic burden when exposed to natural disasters.

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