JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki conveyed that the UKM/IKM Partnership Forum with BUMN and Large Enterprises which was held on November 24, 2022 succeeded in bringing together hundreds of business actors from various sectors. The meeting to carry out this assessment was able to record the potential for cooperation between BUMN/Usaha Besar with UKM/IKM worth IDR 224.8 billion. "Alhamdulillah, from the results of the UKM/IKM Partnership Forum with BUMN and Big Business held on November 24 has resulted in a cooperation potential of IDR 224.8 billion," said Teten through an official statement quoted by Antara, Friday, December 2. In the Partnership Forum, there are 630 SMEs/IKMs that directly conduct business assessments or consultations with 17 BUMN/Usaha Besar who participate in the forum. As for the results of the assessment, the largest potential is generated from components or spare parts of the machine requested by PT INKA. Teten said, this partnership is a directive from President Jokowi to several ministries to encourage MSMEs to advance class as well as integrate MSMEs into the supply chain of SOEs/big businesses.

Teten also conveyed that this Partnership Forum is very potential, he also encourages the implementation of a similar forum next year so that more SMEs/IKM players and also state-owned companies and big businesses are involved. "We propose that this activity can be carried out again next year and invite more SOEs and large businesses that provide opportunities and assistance for SMEs/IKMs to enter their supply chains," he added.

This forum is carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Investment/BKPM. In this Partnership Forum involving 17 state-owned companies, namely Perum Perhutani, Perum Bulog, PT INKA, PT Kimia Farma, PT Krakatau Steel, PT Pertamina, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia, PT Perusahaan Trading Indonesia, PT Berdikari, PT Garam, PT Perikanan Indonesia, PT Sang Hyang Seri, PT Bio Farma, PT Perkebunan Nusantara III, and PT Pindad. In addition, there are also two major businesses participating, namely PT Lulu Group Retail and PT Gramedia Asri Media. Meanwhile, there are 748 SME/IKM players from 25 provinces and representatives of Association, BUMN, BUMD, ministries and institutions, as well as regional services.

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