JAKARTA - The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk approved the plan to increase the company's authorized capital and rights issue.

Bank Mayapada Corporate Secretary Jennifer Ann said the bank owned by conglomerate Dato Sri Tahir decided to increase the company's authorized capital, which was previously IDR 2.3 trillion to IDR 5.3 trillion, which was divided into 388,256,500 Series A shares with a nominal value of IDR 500 per share and 48,058,717,500 Series B Shares with a nominal value of IDR 100 per share.

Meanwhile, the meeting also approved XIV's limited public offering by issuing pre-emptive rights (HMETD) or rights issue to the company's shareholders in the amount of as many as 20 billion ordinary shares in the name of series B.

"Indication of the HMETD bid schedule and doing everything related to the PUT XIV," Jennifer wrote in an official statement, Tuesday, November 29.

In addition, the meeting approved changes to the composition of the board of commissioners and members of the company's board of directors, namely honorably dismissing Miranda S. Goeltom as deputy president commissioner and appointing Arif Mualim and Peter Suwardi as company directors.

Thus, the current composition of the company's commissioners is

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner : Dato Sri Tahir

Commissioner : Hendra

Independent Commissioner : Kumhal Djamil


President Director : Hariyono Tjahjarijadi

Deputy President Director : Thomas Arifin

Director : Andreas Wiryanto

Director : Rudy Mulyono

Director : Harry Sasongko Tirtotjondro

Director : Arif Mualim

Director : Peter Suwardi

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