JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) is targeting companies that will conduct an initial public offering (IPO) in 2023 as many as 57 companies. This figure is down from this year's target of 58-60 issuers.

IDX President Director Iman Rachman said that this year the IDX IPO target was above the previously determined target of 55 issuers. While on the pipeline there are about 40 issuers.

"If we look at the pipeline, there are 40s. This is November, the end of the year is only 1 month. This is until the end of the year 58-60. The end of the year is the target from 55 to 58 issuers. Next year there will be 57 issuers. There are 39 potential (eminener candidates). What is not realized will be carried from this year to next year," he said at Trans Hotel Bandung, quoted on Saturday, November 26.

According to him, from prospective issuers who are targeted to have a state-owned subsidiary will be listed on the Indonesian capital market. However, he could not mention it because it was still in the book building process stage.

"But that includes BUMN children. They are in the process of book building but cannot mention names until the process is complete. There are SOE children in pipelines, but they cannot name names. This year or next year," he explained.

The majority of companies listed on the stock exchange in 2023 come from the consumer, technology and energy sectors. While the rest are spread over other sectors.

Previously, OJK Capital Market Supervisory Chief Executive Inarno Djajadi had mentioned that one of the BUMN subsidiaries planning to conduct an IPO was PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE). The subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) is estimated to be listed on the stock exchange no later than early 2023.

"PGE's IPO is still in process. Hopefully we will process it this year or maybe early next year," he said.

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