JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog Budi Waseso or Buwas ensures that the national rice supply controlled by the government is in safe quantities for the next six months.

Perum Bulog, said Buwas, will soon disburse the rice through daily market operations as an effort to maintain food price stability.

"People don't worry, Bulog guarantees that rice needs are available in the community at affordable prices, even though on the market there is a slight price increase. We carry out continuous monitoring in the midst of the current situation so that it remains under control," said Budi Waseso in a written statement, Friday, November 18.

Buwas said this was related to the emergence of issues regarding the threat of unfounded food scarcity.

His party also carried out intensive monitoring regarding rice prices.

He explained that the increase in rice prices was due to several factors, both external and internal in the country, such as weather anomalies, rising fuel prices and also domestic situations entering the planting season.

Market Operations (OP) or the Supply Availability and Price Stabilization Program (KPSH) is carried out throughout the year by Bulog. The instrument has proven to be effective in maintaining rice price stability at the consumer level.

"Until this morning we have poured rice on market operations throughout Indonesia with a total of almost 1 million tons and then every day we will continue to pour until the next harvest," said Budi Waseso.

Buwas said that currently Bulog's focus is to maintain rice price stability in the community.

Bulog will do this optimally for the benefit of the people, especially in the midst of a situation like now.

He explained that the current stock controlled by Bulog is 625,000 tons of rice domestically and also Bulog has collaborated with foreign countries by storing a stock of 500,000 tons of commercial rice located abroad.

The total stock we have now is almost 1.2 million tons stored in Bulog warehouses throughout Indonesia, plus commercial rice stocks resulting from cooperation abroad. We can withdraw rice stocks abroad at any time if the domestic stock has run out. The point is that there is no problem with rice stocks," said Budi Waseso.

Buwas admitted that Bulog will use all existing instruments to ensure the availability of this food.

In addition to having an office and warehouse infrastructure network spread throughout the country, Bulog also has a modern retail warehouse as a distribution center and retail sales.

"We also ensure that all networks in collaboration with Perum Bulog have provided rice needs at the local level both offline and online, as well as outlets assisted by Perum Bulog such as RPK (Our Food House) spread throughout Indonesia, as well as existing modern retail networks," he said.

His party also continues to coordinate with the central and regional governments to keep rice prices at the consumer level stable or not experiencing a surge.

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