BALI - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the global economy is now faced with such a complicated situation. According to her, this situation is likely to continue next year with potentially stronger pressure." COVID-19 has created a unique challenge. Our ability is how to control the pandemic through vaccinations that create momentum recovery. However, the economy is now experiencing global shocks over the latest developments," she said while speaking at the B20 Summits forum in Nusa Dua, Bali, Monday, November 14. The Minister of Finance explained that war in Ukraine is one of the triggering factors for the slowdown in growth. Not to mention the tightening of monetary policy in countering inflation. This has not yet been driven by challenges in the food sector experienced by almost all countries of the world. "This is clearly not easy for economic actors, decision makers and all of us," she said. The Minister of Finance added, will continue to focus on finding solutions by leading to sources of problems, such as reducing inflation to maintain long-term recovery stability. "I am happy to hear earlier many large companies such as Unilever and Freeport who are committed to building businesses will continue to grow. The government will continue to support measures in creating a good and sustainable business climate," he said. Furthermore, state treasurer ensures that policy directions will remain on an optimistic path but remain accompanied by vigilance. "This is the mindset of policymakers in Indonesia," he stressed.

For information, Indonesia's economic performance is classified as bright throughout this year by recording GDP growth of 5.72 percent year on year (yoy) in the third quarter. This score maintains a growth momentum that has continued to be above 5 percent since the last quarter of 2021. This positive result is also supported by improvements in the labor market sector which was able to reduce the number of unemployed from the previous 6.5 percent in August 2021 to 5.9 percent in August 2022. "This combination is for inclusive growth and can reduce poverty. We will continue to work hard in reducing the global impact on the national economy," he said.

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