JAKARTA - The appreciation for Bank DKI's ability to maintain high capital adequacy in the midst of the pandemic, has made Bank DKI successfully win the award as The Strongest Big Regional Bank by Capital which was received directly by the Retail & Sharia Director of Bank DKI, Babay Parid Wazdi at the 2022 CNBC Indonesia Awards in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 9.

The Director of Retail & Sharia of Bank DKI, Babay Parid Wazdi, on this occasion expressed his gratitude for the award given to Bank DKI. For him, this award is a symbol of optimism for the performance achievements achieved by all Bank DKI personnel.

"We give our appreciation and gratitude to our customers, work partners, and stakeholders who always put their trust in Bank DKI's products and services so that we can continue to grow in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

For information, the CNBC Indonesia Awards is an award ceremony for players in various industries who have successfully adapted in the midst of a pandemic. This award was achieved because Bank DKI was considered capable of maintaining a relatively high capital adequacy ratio.

Bank DKI's leverage ratio is also considered the healthiest when compared to peers which can be used to support the company's expansion strategy.

Babay Parid explained, along with the adaptation that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bank DKI was still able to carve performance through comparisons with other BPDs based on seven financial ratio indicators, namely CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), ROA (Return On Assets), ROE (Return on Assets). on Equity), LDR (Loan Deposits Ratio), BOPO (Operational Spending to Operating Income), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Statutory Reserves (GWM).

"Through this capital adequacy, Bank DKI can distribute credit but still prioritizing the precautionary principle," said Babay.

Babay Parid revealed that in facing 2023, Bank DKI has prepared a transformation strategy in several lines, namely business transformation, IT transformation, and human resource transformation. This is done in order to maintain the business growth of Bank DKI.

"We are carrying out a digital landing transformation, now we can distribute multipurpose loans and microloans online. In the field of human resources, we have even formed a learning center to prepare the human resources of Bank DKI. In fact, we want our human resources to become resources for DKI and nationally," concluded Babay Parid.

In line with Babay Parid, the Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Arie Rinaldi also said that until the third quarter of 2022, Bank DKI recorded a net profit growth of 28.83 percent (YoY), from IDR 564 billion in September 2021 to IDR 726 billion in September 2022.

In addition, Bank DKI also recorded credit growth of 26.82 percent (YoY), from previously IDR 36.9 trillion in September 2021 to IDR 46.7 trillion in September 2022.

This credit growth was followed by an improvement in asset quality marked by a decrease in the gross Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ratio from 2.93 percent in September 2021 to 1.81 percent in September 2022 with a Loan at Risk (LAR) of 13.68 percent. which was previously 17.32 percent in the same period last year.

In terms of Third Party Funds (DPK), Arie said that Bank DKI was still able to record growth of 29.51 percent, from IDR 47.1 trillion in September 2021 to IDR 60.9 trillion in September 2022.

These various performance achievements led to an increase in total assets by 26.90 percent from IDR 59.29 trillion in September 2021 to IDR 75.24 trillion in September 2022.

This award is also an encouragement for Bank DKI to continue to innovate, and continue the transformation that began in 2021 in improving the quality of products and services to customers, as well as being able to contribute to boosting the pace of the Indonesian economy in the midst and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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