JAKARTA – The National Committee for the Presidency of the G20 Indonesia stated that the registration for coverage of the series of activities of the G20 Summit this month has been closed. This was conveyed directly by the Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) Kominfo Usman Kansong.

"We inform you that (registration) has been closed", he said during a press conference on Wednesday, November 9.

According to Usman, this information is important to convey considering that until now there are still several media who are trying to register coverage.

"There are still media friends, both foreign and domestic, who are still trying to register or ask for an ID badge", he said.

Usman explained, during the registration process until the maximum limit of October 15, the committee had accredited thousands of media.

"The number of accredited journalists has reached 2,133 people", he said.

Of these, 2,051 journalists confirmed that they would be present in person to cover the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali. Meanwhile, 82 other journalists said they would cover virtually.

"For this virtual one, we have provided a WhatsApp Group to help distribute news materials, such as press releases, videos, and audio", he said.

For information, the series of organizing the G20 Summit will start on November 13. Meanwhile, the peak event will be held on November 15-16, attended by heads of state/government from member countries, ending with the closing.

President Joko Widodo himself plans to symbolically hand over the G20 Presidency to India who will lead this organization in 2023.

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