JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) in collaboration with research institutions under the auspices of the University of Indonesia, namely the Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics and Business (LD FEB UI), has optimized the publication of capital market statistics.

The IDX and LD FEB UI provide comprehensive, informative, and religious statistical information for the public, as well as support financial literacy and inclusion, especially the Indonesian capital market from April to August 2022.

IDX Director of Trade and Member Regulation Irvan Susandy said that his party appreciated the results of research conducted by LD FEB UI. Based on these research results, the data available on the stock exchange is complete and can be easily accessed by the public.

"As a follow-up step in the future, we will seek more socialization and education related to this statistical publication so that it can increase literacy and inclusion of capital market data," said Irvan in a statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 2.

The IDX collaboration with LD FEB UI aims to optimize IDX statistical publications through quantitative and qualitative studies (mix method) combined with extensive library studies.

Research conducted by LD FEB UI found issues and input from the public, as well as stakeholders in the capital market for statistical information that has been published by the IDX.

Through statistical publications, the IDX is expected to continue to provide complete information with an attractive appearance, especially for capital market players.

Now capital market players are dominated (more than 50 percent) by the millennial generation and generation Z or investors aged 30 years and under (Gen MZ).

In the research conducted by LD FEB UI, as many as 98 percent of readers were satisfied and very satisfied with the completeness of information and content presented in the IDX statistical publication.

But on the other hand, readers expect improvements to the form of presentation of IDX statistical publications such as graphics, tables, and layouts so that they can follow global developments and current generations.

LD FEB UI also found that the statistical publication of the IDX as one of the main references for capital market players is important for IDX to transform its statistical publications to become more modern and communicative.

Changes can be started by further highlighting ID ID ID IDS and modernizing the display of tables, graphics and layouts.

In addition, it is important for the IDX to tighten the information provided by reducing the number of pages to increase the level of reading.

In extracting information for quantitative analysis, LD FEB UI conducted data collection through surveys to retail investors, academics, securities companies, investment managers, and the general public in 10 main provinces, namely all provinces on the islands of Java, North Sumatra, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Bali.

The amount of data stated is in accordance with the criteria for checking or cleaning processes as many as 775 respondents. Then for the collection of qualitative data, LD FEB UI conducted in-depth interviews with securities companies, academics, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and Bank Indonesia with a total of 34 informants.

The LD FEB UI research results also show that some of the findings, including Gen MZ, are the investors and readers of the most IDX statistical publications today and the need for capital market snapshot information that investors want the most because capital market snapshots provide a quick picture to investors about market events.

Furthermore, the most accessible publications are annual statistical publications (yearly statics) and monthly (monthly statics) while the lowest-invitation is a weekly statistical publication (weekly statics).

Then, improving the visual display of publications by changing the font and coloring size, the need for metadata and advance release candidates (ARC) in IDX statistical publications, and the IDX Investment Gallery and universities to become partners in cooperation related to data supply and capital market information, and the IDX needs to do more socialization in terms of data liquensing.

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