JAKARTA - The government and PLN are intensively accelerating the formation of an electric vehicle ecosystem to accelerate the energy transition in the country.

One of them is collaborating with various parties in operating the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU).

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said the construction of this SPKLU was an important step to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector which reached 280 million tons of CO2e in 2020.

"Without any intervention, by 2060 emissions will reach 860 million tons of CO2e per year," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, October 25.

One way to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector is the use of electric vehicles.

On that basis, PLN builds an electric vehicle ecosystem in the country.

As an illustration, one liter of fuel oil (BBM) is equivalent to 1.2 kWh of electricity. The carbon emission of one liter of fuel is equivalent to 2.4 kilograms (kg) of Co2e, while 1 kWh of electricity is equivalent to 0.88 kg of CO2e or 1.05 kg for 1.2 kWh of electricity.

"This means that even in the current conditions, using electric vehicles has reduced emissions by 56 percent. Along with PLN's power plants that will go to EBT, in the future, electric vehicles will have zero emissions," explained Darmawan.

Darmawan added that PLN already has a roadmap to switch to green energy in order to achieve Net Zero Emission by 2060 by gradually adding new renewable energy (EBT) plants.

Based on the 2021-2030 Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL), there will be 51 percent of new power plants originating from NRE.

In addition to the addition of new EBT plants, PLN will also not add new coal plants.

Darmawan added, PLN is also ready to open the door as wide as possible to business actors who want to collaborate in providing SPKLU franchises.

Through this scheme, entrepreneurs only need to prepare land and investment funds.

"PLN does not have hotspots in malls, in offices, in rest areas, in cafes. But we have a strategy to make the number of SPKLU grow like mushrooms in the rainy season," he explained.

For this reason, PLN cooperates with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk to inaugurate the operation of the Brilliant SPKLU 1 at BRI Head Office, Jakarta.

The inauguration of the SPKLU is a follow-up to the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between PT PLN (Persero) and Bank Himbara in June 2022.

One of the agreed scopes is the partnership in providing SPKLU with the Investor Owned Investor Operate (IO2) scheme.

Bank BRI President Director Sunarso said his party was committed to participating with PLN to support the energy transition program.

With this energy transition, we can help keep the earth healthy and comfortable for future generations.

"Surely we will continue to be guided by that we must be committed to creating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). We are indeed looking for profit, but still profit must continue to prosper the community, And seek profit with the aim of prospering the community, the people are prosperous if the earth is a planet We take care of this," he explained.

In addition, Bank BRI is also committed to encouraging the use of electric motorized vehicles in Indonesia through the provision of SPKLU.

According to Sunarso, the use of electric vehicles can reduce carbon emissions.

"We have calculated that all of our activities that emit the most emissions are business trips using motorized vehicles. Therefore, today's movement we shoot directly at the vehicle," said Sunarso.

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