JAKARTA - Indonesia is facing economic challenges, namely global inflation and the threat of a food and energy crisis due to geopolitical conflicts between Russia and Ukraine.

Director of Consumer Business of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Handayani said the public needed to do a financial check-up, where the allocation of emergency funds was increasingly being considered.

According to him, liquid instruments such as savings that can become emergency funds for 6-12 months, now need to be extended 12-24 months into the future.

By extending the emergency funds, the public can also choose the state's term deposit instrument or securities.

"Therefore (SBN) is guaranteed 100 percent which can have windows where we can sell in the secondary market and that's liquid. So we also discuss about ORI022," he said in an official statement, Friday, October 21.

According to Handayani, investing in ORI instruments can start from a nominal value of IDR 1 million.

The public can allocate emergency funds to buy Government Securities whose tenors are categorized as medium.

"As a guaranteed financial instrument of the Government such as ORI 022, it is an alternative choice of reliable investment," he continued.

Handayani appealed to the public to be wise so that they are not in a hurry to choose investment instruments that are high risk high returns that are not guaranteed by the state because they have relatively high risks.

"So financial management is important, including an understanding of the allocation. I convey that managing assets does not need to be rich first, so what we need to do is ensure that when we have income from salaries, discipline in making allocations," explained Handayani.

After routinely conducting financial checks and emergency funds is sufficient, according to him, it must then be followed up with an allocation for even longer planning. For BRI customers, the company even has qualified instruments.

BRI has a BRImo super Apps which allows us to make decisions to change the pattern of financial planning. Transfer it from instrument one to other financial instruments, for example from savings to other instruments, or vice versa. So it can be done anytime through the BRImo Super Apps application. So with this BRImo everything becomes easier," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sub-Directorate for the Development and Deepening of the State Securities Market, the Directorate of Government Securities, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Chandra A.S. Wibowo, revealed that investing must be legal and logical.

"Therefore, the government has issued an investment instrument for the community, namely SBN Retail, one of which is ORI022," said Chandra.

Just so you know, ORI022 has the characteristics guaranteed by the government and coupon payments are guaranteed by the State Securities Act and the risk of default is very small. The next characteristic of ORI022 has a profitable, competitive rate compared to similar investment instruments. In addition, ORI022 is for the Indonesian people because it is easily accessible.

"It turns out that from the sale of Retail SBN, so far the composition of millennial generation investors has dominated 40 percent. We hope that this trend will continue so that Indonesia can achieve financing independence in development," said Chandra.

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