JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) of the Southern Sumatra Region managed to record additional oil production of 6,608 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and additional gas production of 20.08 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

The additional production is the result of drilling 54 development wells carried out until mid-October 2022.

"Pertamina EP Asset 1 and Asset 2 which currently line up as Pertamina Hulu Rokan or PHR Zone 1 and Zone 4 including KSO partners have drilled 39 wells, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd as many as 11 wells, Montdor Oil Tungkal 3 wells and Medco E&P Indonesia (Rimau) 1 well," said Head of SKK Migas Representative for Southern Sumatra Region (Sumbagsel) Anggono Mahendrawan in an official statement, Wednesday, October 19.

Anggono emphasized that this success was a collaboration between the South Sumatra KKKS, various functions in the Jakarta Oil and Gas SKK, all functions in the South Sumatra Oil and Gas SKK and all stakeholders in the regions, including the support of all stakeholders in the regions.

Meanwhile, for exploration drilling in order to find hydrocarbons in the South Sumatra Region, SKK Migas together with the South Sumatra Region KKKS have drilled 6 exploration wells.

As many as 3 drilling activities managed to find hydrocarbons, namely Sumur Wilela-001 (Pertamina EP), Sumur JTB-2X (PHE Ogan Komering), SRT-1X (PHE Jambi Merang) with a gas flow rate test of 19.42 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and a condensate of 717.7 barrels of condensates per day (BCPD), "he explained.

However, he continued, drilling 1 well, namely BDA-2X Well (PHE Ogan Komering) did not find oil and gas reserves (dry hole) and 2 Wells, namely the South 1X Wine River (Sele Raya Belida) and Flamboyan-1 Well (Medo E&P Indonesia South Sumatra). South Sumatra) is still in the drilling stage, SKK Migas and KKKS will immediately conduct a Drill Stem Test (DST) in the near future.

He continued, the South Sumatra KKKS has also carried out 3 seismic surveys that have been running, namely the Pertamina EP 2D Seismic Survey along 83 KM, the 2D Lematang Medco E&P Indonesia Seismic Survey along 110 KM and the 2D South Sumatra Seismic Survey Medco E&P Indonesia along 125 KM.

"All seismic drilling, exploitation and survey activities are carried out aggressively by SKK Migas (State SumbagS Sumbagsel KKKS) in order to pursue a joint vision with the upstream oil and gas industry, namely targeting the production of 1 million barrels of oil and 12 million cubic feet of gas per day by 2030", concluded Anggono.

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