BALI - Deputy Minister of BUMN II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed that the Indonesia Water Fund (IWF) program can expand clean water reach through water area companies or PDAM so that people no longer need to rely on groundwater.

He said that the problems that occur in Indonesia are because people still use a lot of groundwater, even though regulations are actually not allowed because people should use water from PDAM. However, PDAM's own services have not reached some people.

"We hope that later if the PDAM reach is wider and far so that it can reach the community, of course there is no need for people to use groundwater," said Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 18.

This is important to do together, because in Indonesia, especially in Java, where big cities such as Jakarta and Semarang experience significant land subsidence due to excessive use of groundwater.

The IWF program is indeed important because it is to ensure that people have effective and cheap water connections so that they no longer need to buy clean water.

Regarding its operations, of course, the Ministry of SOEs will work closely with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing as a regulator regarding raw water and clean water, local governments including the city/district government and other stakeholders.

Deputy Minister of BUMN II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding IWF between Holding BUMN Danareksa and Strategic Partners and Financial Investors.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) asked regional drinking water companies (PDAM) to reduce groundwater use to minimize land subsidence.

Director General of Human Settlements at the Ministry of PUPR, Diana Kusumastuti, said that in this case, PDAM is expected to be able to process drinking water by not using groundwater.

He hopes that PDAM can use the piping system to meet customer drinking water needs. In addition, he said, from an institutional and financial perspective so that they can be more profitable and can help the government.

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