The Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is determined to create ease of a clean, accountable bureaucracy as well as excellent public services to the community in the housing sector. To that end, there needs to be a commitment in the development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) in work units starting from the Housing Provision Work Unit and the Housing Provision Implementation Center (P2P) throughout Indonesia so that the Corruption-Free Region (WBK) and the Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) can be realized.

"We want to realize the Integrity Zone (ZI) in all work units within the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR," said the Director of Compliance with the Internal Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Bisma Staniarto when opening activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of Integrity Zone Development in the Java III Housing Provision Center (P2P) in Yogyakarta, Monday, October 17.

Bisma explained, one of the missions of the Ministry of PUPR is to improve the professionalism of human resources of the State Civil Apparatus (SDM ASN), efficiency and effectiveness, and accountability in the implementation of infrastructure development in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the national development target for housing is not only realized through development activities carried out by the Directorate General of Housing, but also the result of the hard work and cooperation of all partners or stakeholders in a collaborative and transparent manner.

"With the declaration of the Integrity Zone within the Directorate General of Housing on June 24, 2022, all housing development processes can run effectively, efficiently and accountably," he explained.

Based on the Letter of the Inspector General on July 27, 2022, regarding the Submission of Independent Evaluation Results for the Development of the Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption-Free Area/Clean Bureaucratic Area Serving at the Technical Implementation Unit at the Directorate General of Housing in 2022, it was found that from the three work units within the Directorate General of Housing proposed by the General Assessment Team (TPU) for the assessment of the Internal Assessment Team (TPI). In addition, to build and maintain the image and performance of the PUPR Ministry agency.

"Through the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of Integrity Zone Development in the Implementation Center for Housing Provision, we hope to provide understanding and increase our awareness to implement the Integrity Zone in the P2P Hall Work Unit and Housing Provision Work Unit," he hoped.

Also present at this activity were Revised Management Practitioner, Yuni Erni Aguslin, Head of Balai P2P Java III, Salahuddin R, Head of the Central Java Province Housing Provision Work Unit, Syamsiar, Head of the Yogyakarta Provincial Housing Provision Work Unit DIYogyakarta, Wahyu Adi Satriawan, PPK in the Central Java Province Housing Provision Working Unit, PPK in the Yogyakarta Special Region Housing Provision Work Unit, representatives of the working group (Pokja) of the General Assessment Team (TPU) in the Directorate General of Housing and the entire Integrity Working Team of the Java III Housing Provision Implementation Center. (Adv)

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