JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir asked Bakti BUMN through social responsibility programs and the environment to focus on three main sectors. These include education, environment, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

For Erick, Bakti BUMN or the BUMN Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program must have clear benefits.

Therefore, Erick fully appreciates the technical guidance activities (BIMTEK) and workshops on the impact of social and environmental responsibility programs using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) Batch 2 method organized by PT SUCOFINDO with the Ministry of SOEs in Surakarta, Central Java.

"This activity makes SOEs more professional, transparent, accountable in strengthening the pillars of social, economic and environmental development so as to create an advanced, prosperous and global Indonesia," said Erick, Friday, October 14.

The Ministry of SOEs, continued Erick, consistently encourages the transformation and improvement of the system, including in social and environmental responsibility programs.

"The BUMN must be able to be a joint breakthrough in helping equal distribution and economic balance for all Indonesian people," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Human Resources, Technology and Information, Ministry of SOEs, Tedi Bharata said this activity was in line with Erick's direction and based on Minister of SOE Regulation No. Per-05/MBU/04/2021 which has been updated through the Minister of SOE Regulation No. Per-06/MBU/09/2022 regarding measurements of the impact of social and environmental responsibility programs.

Tedi said, the activities in batch 1 and batch 2 in total have been attended by 107 state-owned companies and state-owned subsidiaries with more than 240 participants.

"The implementation of the SROI Bimtek activity is expected to provide knowledge to calculate the impact of the program," said Tedi.

Tedi said that the SROI Bimtek encourages five transformations related to social and environmental responsibility, namely first focusing on impact, secondly making improvements to government at the Ministry of SOEs and in SOEs, thirdly using information technology, both for reporting to the Ministry of SOEs and procedures for CSR activities.

The fourth point, continued Tedi, is a form of collaboration between SOEs, where SUCOFINDO has competence in providing sharing to all SOEs. Meanwhile, efforts to increase the participation of BUMN employees for the implementation of BUMN Bakti activities are the last point in the transformation step of BUMN Bakti.

President Director of SUCOFINDO Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi conveyed that the SROI method has a strategic advantage because it involves stakeholders from a program that will be analyzed to explore the various impacts felt after the program runs.

According to Wigrantoro, SROI strives to reduce inequality and environmental degradation and improve welfare by including social, environmental costs and economic costs and benefits.

"SUCOFINDO has been working with various state-owned and private companies to evaluate the implementation of BUMN and CSR Bakti activities since 2016. Until now, for the BUMN environment, SUCOFINDO has carried out SROI calculations at 16 points in Indonesian territory for social responsibility programs and the BUMN environment and BUMN subsidiaries," said Wigrantoro.

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