YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian government has agreed to accelerate the achievement of national economic development. Special tactics are needed to be able to take it.

One of the things the government does is prepare areas that have economic and geostrategic advantages. The area is prepared to develop industrial, export, and import activities in Indonesia.

Then, what is the purpose of the special economic zone?

The development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Indonesia emphasizes the realization of SEZs that concentrate on accelerating regional economic growth, as well as supporting the realization of SEZs that are able to build added points on technology arrangements and human energy sources.

The education was made with the development of the KEK Health, Digital, Economic, and SEZ Maintenance Repair and Overhaul.

The international scope of the Special Economic Zone is also known as the Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

SEZs is an area designed to pull the company toward a certain zone, especially a zone that is less advanced in the economic sector.

This is done by offering incentives such as special tax treatment.

Generally SEZs is defined as an area that is geographically regulated from a country with a clear limit and has a specific purpose for economic activity.

The benefits of SEZs itself are grants, namely assistance to meet loans with favorable terms and tax treatment. SEZs has developed into various forms and is often mentioned with different names in various countries.

The main goal of developing this Special Economic Zone is to support economic growth, increase competitiveness, and even distribution of development.

Special Economic Zones have concentration in accordance with the conditions and conditions of the place.

The development of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Indonesia emphasizes the realization of SEZs that concentrate on accelerating regional economic growth and supporting the realization of Special Economic Zones that are able to build plus value on human resources and technology regulation.

The term SEZs is relatively new and is related to the 2019 World Investment Report.

In the report, SEZs is defined as an geographically regulated area where the government facilitates industrial activities through fiscal incentives, restrictions, and infrastructure support.

Character SEZ/SEZs

In general, SEZs has 4 important characters, namely occupying a geographically limited area, consisting of many companies with regional management facilities or administration, and having special land with the aim of SEZs and the rules of the SEZs regime.

Targets for the Development of Special Economic Zones

Meanwhile, the development target of the Special Economic Zone is to increase investment through the preparation of areas with geoeconomic and geostrategic advantages; accelerate regional development through the development of new economic growth centers with a balance of development between regions.

Then, optimize industrial activities in the form of imports, exports, and other economic activities with high economic points; and create breakthrough figures for regional development for economic growth, including industry, tourism, and trade, so that they can create jobs.

So after knowing the purpose of a special economic zone, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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