JAKARTA - Netizens were shocked by a post by a Twitter social media user stating that Pertalite type fuel oil (BBM) actually contains RON 86. In the post uploaded to the @yo2thok account, a test kit can be seen showing a bottle of Pertalite type fuel and manual test kits.

He wrote, "This is called a robbery and the officers are sluggish, such as a cracker getting water. Without having to explain in detail, Pertamina actually understands only by looking at pictures of red tables, measuring bottles, and who does this Octane Portable test kit have?"

"Before the fuel tanker truck pours it into the gas station reservoir, the stage that gas station officers have to do is:" he tweeted, quoted Monday, October 10.

Responding to the post, Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary Irto Ginting doubted the authenticity and accuracy of the RON test kit used in the post. Irto said accurate RON testing tools must refer to standard methods such as ASTM RON method which can be validated and the tools used are always calibrated.

"In this image, Pertamina cannot confirm the tools used in the RON test. If the tool used is Oktan Analyzer Portable, the tool must also be proven to have been calibrated using a regular certified reference material," said Irto to VOI, Monday 10 October.

Irto added, based on the results of the test conducted by LEMIGAS, the government ensures that the quality of fuel circulating in the community is guaranteed.

Previously, the Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji explained that regarding the issue of Pertalite type fuel, it became more wasteful after price adjustment, the Government had asked LEMIGAS to conduct technical testing related to the standards and quality of Pertalite according to the Decree of the Director General (Kepdirjen) of Oil and Gas No. 0486.K/10/DJM.S/2017 concerning Standards and Quality (Specification) for BBM Types of Gasoline RON 90 which is marketed domestically.

Pertalite type fuel samples have been taken directly by the LEMIGAS Team at several gas stations in Jakarta. With the fuel sample, testing is then carried out to get quality certainty.

For the initial stage, currently samples of Pertalite type fuel have been taken at 6 gas stations in the Jakarta area, namely Lenteng Agung gas stations, gas stations at Taman Mini (two gas stations), Abdul Muis gas stations, gas stations at Sunter and gas stations at S. Parman.

"The Pertalite fuel sample was then tested at the LEMIGAS Oil and Gas Testing Center of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, with standard testing procedures and standards for 19 test parameters," said Tutuka.

From testing the Pertalite fuel sample at the 6 gas stations, the results have met the standards and quality (specification) of BBM type RON 90 which is marketed domestically as Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 0486.K/10/DJM.S/2017.

"There is no indication of an off-spec quality limit. Everything is on-spec," said the Director General of Oil and Gas.

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