JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum guarantees that potential investors can invest in West Java easily and safely. “ The West Java Provincial Government encourages, supports, and will also make it easier for investors who will invest in West Java,” said Deputy Governor Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, at the West Java Investment Summit (WJIS) 2022 in Bandung City, quoted from Antara, Friday 7 October. He said the guarantee was a form of support and support from the West Java Provincial Government to investors both domestically and foreignly. <quo;Besides facilitating, we will also provide security guarantees,” he said. The Deputy Governor of West Java Uu said that the investment offered at WJIS this time was more directed at economic potential in the Tambourine Triangle (Cirebon, Patimban and Kertajati) areas. According to him, the land area for potential investors reaches 43,000 hectares and also the connectivity being built is a value more that can be offered by the West Java Provincial Government to investors. “ In the Tambourine Triangle, the land area reaches 43,000 hectares, as well as connectivity being built, including toll roads, BIJB (West Java International Airport) Kertajati, trains, and other connectivity to provide them with ease of investment, ” said Pak Uu. He considered that the prospect of investing in the Tambourine Triangle region was very good for economic development. For this reason, through WJIS, Mr. Uu invites investors both from within and outside the country to start looking at investment potentials in West Java. “ So on this occasion I invited investors, not only domestically, but also abroad to invest in West Java with the guarantee of convenience and security from the government, as well as provide a bright feel of progress in the future, ” Pak Uu said. Also present on the second day of WJIS 2022, entitled Renewable Energy and Food Security, Chairman of Commission I of the West Java DPRP Bedi Budiman, Head of West Java BI Representative Herawanto, Department of Macro Prudential Policy Bank Indonesia Mall Isnaini SM Yanti, Head of West Java DPMPTSP Noneng Komaranengsih, and Head of West Java ESDM Office Ai Saadiyah.

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