JAKARTA - Etawa goat milk is proven to have advantages over cow's milk, such as being richer in nutrients, low in allergies, and easier to digest by the body.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a number of people choose to eat etawa goat milk as an alternative cow's milk, especially for those who are allergic to cow's milk and lactose intelligence.

Drinking etawa goat milk regularly also provides various benefits for the health of the body. Launching from Food Scienece & Nutrition, goat milk can boost the strength of the immune system, improve digestive health, support iron storage, overcome inflammation, to be good for bone health due to high calcium.

However, to get these benefits optimally, it is necessary to consume etawa goat milk regularly and follow the rules. One of them is to have etawa goat milk which has gone through a pasteurization process, to ensure cleanliness.

Pasteurization is a method of warming milk at certain temperatures to kill germs and slow down microbial growth. Pasteurization is usually carried out at 62 to 90 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 seconds.

Raw goat milk that is not pasteurized has the potential to contain bacteria that can cause serious illness in humans, one of which is food poisoning. The risk will also be greater, especially if you drink babies, small children, adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly, to people with a weak immune system.

Therefore, it is important to drink etawai goat milk that has been pasteurized and sufficient. The recommended portion of drinking etawa goat milk is no more than 200 milliliters per day, either before eating or after eating.

This limit must be applied because goat milk contains more calories and fat per serving, compared to other types of milk. Consuming too many calories and fat can cause excess weight gain.

Avoid also mixing tinawa goat milk with other food ingredients. Mixing milk with other ingredients can interact in unexpected ways, so that it can trigger allergies, reduce nutritional absorption, interfere with digestion, and worsen health conditions.

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