JAKARTA - PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia, which acts as the Gudang Registration Center, released the value of goods included in the warehouse resi reaching Rp1.04 trillion in the third quarter of 2022.

This figure increased by 277 percent compared to the same period in 2021, which was Rp. 385.4 billion, where the value of the goods was supported by the resilience of sugar commodity warehouses worth Rp. 449 billion and tin with Rp. 437 billion.

"The achievement of the value of warehouse resi above Rp1 trillion is the highest number since warehouse resi started in 2008," said PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia President Director Fajar Wibhayadi in a statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 6.

According to Fajar, this is certainly a positive thing in the development of the warehouse resi system in Indonesia. Seeing the many commodities in Indonesia, Fajar is optimistic that the use of warehouse resi will continue to grow in the future.

"The key is synergy and collaboration between stakeholders to continuously educate the public regarding the benefits of warehouse resi," said Fajar.

Fajar said that KBI as the Warehouse Residency Registration Center, in addition to preparing the registration system, will also continue to make various efforts to develop warehouse resi in the form of educational and literacy programs, both to commodity owners, business circles, banks and the wider community.

According to KBI data, positive growth also occurred in the value of warehouse resi financing, where in 2022 to the third quarter the financing value reached Rp759.7 billion.

This financing value increased by 353 percent compared to the same period in 2021 where the value of warehouse resi financing reached Rp215.1 billion.

In terms of the number of registrations, from 2022 to the third quarter there was a correction from 481 RG in the same period in 2021 to 463 RG.

Meanwhile, in terms of the number of commodities, until the third quarter of 2022, commodities that enter the warehouse resi reach 13 commodities, while in the third quarter of 2021 the number of commodities entering the RG reaches 14 commodities.

In terms of the volume of goods, in the same period, the volume was recorded at 49.429.830 kilograms (kg), an increase of 498 percent compared to the same period in 2021, which was 9.932.704 kg.

The Head of the Bureau for the Development and Development of the Warehouse Resi System and the Commodity Auction Market of the Commodity of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) Widiastuti said, CoFTRA really appreciates stakeholders in the warehouse's resi ecosystem, so that in the third quarter of 2022 the value of goods in warehouse resi could exceed Rp1 trillion.

"Of course, in the future there will still be a lot of homework for all parties in this ecosystem to continue to increase the use of warehouse resi," said Widiastuti.

As a regulator, CoFTRA will continue to invite and provide space not only for commodity owners, but also for warehouse owners, business circles, and the banking sector/enterprising institutions to jointly increase the use of warehouse resi.

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